This page is primarily designed to be a home page for me, giving links to the pages I most frequently visit on the web. Don't suggest links for this page or ask me to add your page; I'll add it if I visit it.


conventional comics and webcomics

Doonesbury | Baby Blues | Boondocks | Dilbert | For Better Or For Worse | Foxtrot
Tank McNamara | Zits | This Modern World | Freefall | PvP | PhD | Gil Thorp
(Warning: Penny Arcade can be very potty-mouthed)

news and media

Google news
(Long-term project: Link in searches for specific topics I hit all the time anymore...)

Washington Post
Jay Mathews on education | Cynthia Webb's technology weblog | Howard Kurtz' Media Notes

The AJC's registration is nigh unusable. Memo to all sites requiring registration:
USERNAME/PASSWORD. Nothing more. Nothing less.

The Guardian (UK)
World latest | UK education | (Football links below) (Ad-view or registration required)

Christianity Today
Ted Olsen's Weblog | Christian History Corner


MatchNight News 

Message boards | Chat room | My toy

other sports

Major League Soccer

The Sports Frog | The Swamp
Rumour mill | The Fiver


My station - sdytm | Music videos | Yahoo! group